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215 artykułów z tagiem "warsztat"

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How Tech Writers Can Upskill in an AI World Without Freaking Out

· 8 min aby przeczytać

Many people ask me, "What are the best resources available to help tech writers upskill in an AI world"?

You might be surprised to hear my usual answer, "I don't know."

Of course, I could shamelessly promote my newsletter Cyborg's Writing or my prompt engineering course with Firehead Digital Communications, but that seems self-serving... and doesn't really answer the question.

FOCUS: Context Sensitive Help

· 10 min aby przeczytać

The Journey

I have been a developer for more than 20 years and a technical writer for even longer. One of the first commercial software applications I built was a mobile airline booking, payment, and travel management app. To create a viable mobile help system required me to design on-screen real-time help, focused on the specific task a user was performing. This included tooltips for each task and each screen element. With limited screen real estate and limited device memory, tooltips had to be hyper focused and effective. My journey into context sensitive help (CSH) had begun.

Nowe trendy w technical writingu

· 4 min aby przeczytać

Odkąd technical writing stał się jednym z wielu pożądanych zawodów, osoby z nim związane zaczęły wprowadzać przeróżne nowinki i trendy, mające pomóc w tworzeniu jak najlepszej dokumentacji. W ostatnim czasie można zaobserwować kilka nurtów, jakie przewodzą ewolucji tego zawodu. Jakie to trendy? Szczegóły poniżej.