Namydleni po raz trzeci
Za nami trzecia edycja konferencji soap!. Jak było w tym roku? Zdecydowanie inaczej niż w poprzednim.
Za nami trzecia edycja konferencji soap!. Jak było w tym roku? Zdecydowanie inaczej niż w poprzednim.
Kolejna, trzecia już edycja konferencji soap! za pasem. Dlatego przygotowaliśmy dla Was garść przydatnych informacji na jej temat.
To make the soap! story complete, we're giving you translation of our general summary of the soap! conference prepared by the soap! team. Enjoy! What do soap, pink color, an old cable factory, a white terrier, a scooter, coffee, and a selfie in a bathroom all have in common?
Today, we've got another translation provided by the soapy team. It's the day 2 summary. The Polish version is available here. Enjoy! Day 2 of the soap! conference brought even more presentations that were divided into two tracks. Everyone could find something for themselves. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to attend all the presentations, so we describe in short only some of them.
Our soapy friends were kind enough to prepare an English version of the day 1 summary that we published some time ago. Enjoy!