Zaproszenie na konferencję tekom Europe Roadshow w Warszawie
Kontynuujemy współpracę z tekom Polska. Już niedługo i Wy będziecie mogli nawiązać ją osobiście.
Organizatorzy zbliżającej się konferencji serdecznie zapraszają. Przeczytajcie sami:
Szanowni Panstwo / Dear Sir or Madam,
Concise and relevant technical documentation supports your customer to understand how to use your product safely and efficiently. Additionally, high-level documentation increases the quality of your technical support. Not to forget, your documentation might need to comply with certain regulations and legal requirements.At the roadshow event on September 18, 2014 in Warsaw you have the opportunity to learn how to improve your technical documentation. It is the ideal platform to exchange knowledge, meet like-minded people, share best-practices, learn about new products from service providers and grow your network.All information about this one-day event is available here:
Also have a look at our program. The program offers you an interesting mix of presentations around topics such as European Legal Requirements and Standards, PN:EN 82079-1 (which will be published in Polish language soon), Terminology and Content Creation.
Register for the roadshow today! We have a special pre-conference offer for you supported by our sponsor Adobe FrameMaker: The next ten registrations that we receive for Warsaw are entitled to a 25% discount on the regular ticket. That means you pay only 94 Euro for your ticket (including access to all program points as well as lunch and refreshments). All you have to do is entering the following promotion code “AdobeFrameMaker_25” into the registration form.
About tekom Europe: We are Europe’s largest professional association for Technical Communication. tekom Europe connects more than 8,500 professionals who are active in technical communication and related fields.
Serdecznie zapraszamy!
tekom Europe Roadshow Team i tekom Polska
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